The academic program at The Bridge Academy | Selma places an emphasis on every aspect of student growth and development, while meeting state requirements. Self-paced courses and qualified staff, allow us to offer flexible and individualized support in the following areas:
Social Studies​ • U.S. History​ • Civics and Government ​Economics​ • Geography​ • Life Science​ • Physical Science​ • Earth and Science​ • Statistics​ • Geometry​ • Algebra​ • Algebra 2​ • English (11) (12)​ • Literature (11) (12) • Language​ • Writing
*You may be eligible to receive academic credit for exams you have already taken, so there is no repeating what you've already done.
We utilize the KET Fast Forward online preparation system which includes pre-assessments that will help learners pinpoint areas of weakness and post-assessments that will enable them to track their progress and consider their readiness to take the high school equivalency tests. KET focuses on four main areas: Mathematics, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. The mathematics course will include two sections – Reasoning with Numbers, Statistics, and Geometry and Algebraic Reasoning; the language arts course will include three sections –
Reading, Language, and Writing.
This course covers seven topics and includes 15 lessons covering 53 skills.
Analyze Central Ideas and Supporting Details
1.1 Main Ideas and Supporting Details
1.2 Summaries and Inferences
1.3 Conclusions and Generalizations
Analyze Development of Ideas
2.1 Relationships of Ideas in Informational Texts
2.2 Relationships in Literary Text
Interpret Words and Phrases
3.1 Word and Phrase Usage
3.2 Word Meaning and Tone
Determine Author’s Viewpoint
4.1 Author’s Purpose
4.2 Author’s Point of View
Analyze the Structure of Text
5.1 Transition Words and Phrases 5.2 Text Structure and Meaning
Evaluate Arguments and Reasoning
6.1 Claims and Support
6.2 Reasoning and Assumptions
Synthesize Multiple Sources
7.1 Information in Related Texts
7.2 Text and Graphic Materials
This course covers three topics and includes eight lessons covering 31 skills.
Effective Sentence Structure
1.1 Complete Sentences
1.2 Correct Sentences
1.3 Organized Sentences
1.4 Improved Sentences
Correct Grammar and Usage
2.1 Nouns, Pronouns, and Agreement
2.2 Verb Forms, Tenses, and Agreement
Correct Spelling, Capitalization, and Punctuation
3.1 Spelling and Capitalization
3.2 Punctuation
This course covers two topics and includes 11 lessons covering 59 skills.
Writing Basics
1.1 Effective Paragraphs
1.2 Writing for a Purpose
1.3 The Writing Process
Construct Extended Responses to Text
2.1 Writing to Respond to a Text
2.2 Reading to Analyze Source Material
2.3 Reading to Synthesize from Two Sources
2.4 Argument and Use of Evidence
2.5 Logical Organizational Structure
2.6 Developed and Related Ideas
2.7 Effective Word Choice and Use
2.8 Correct Sentence Structure and Fluency
Mathematics: Reasoning with Numbers, Statistics, and Geometry
This course covers four topics and includes 19 lessons covering 92 skills.
Number Sense, Operations, and Problem Solving
1.2 Positive and Negative Integers
1.3 Integer Operations
1.4 Properties and Operations
1.5 Decimal Operations
1.6 Fraction Operations
1.7 Exponential Expressions
Problem Solving with Ratio, Proportion, and Percent
2.1 Ratio
2.2 Proportions
2.3 Percents
Problem Solving with Statistical Measurement
3.1 Data Analysis
3.2 Statistical Data Sets
3.3 Sample Space and Probability Models
Problem Solving with Geometric Measurement
4.1 Geometry Basics
4.2 Perimeter and Area of Polygons
4.3 Perimeter and Area of Triangles
4.4 Circles
4.5 Surface Area and Volume of Cubes, Prisms, and Pyramids
4.6 Surface Area and Volume of Cones, Cylinders, and Spheres
4.7 Composite Figures
Mathematics: Algebraic Reasoning
This course covers seven topics and includes 18 lessons covering 92 skills.
Numbers and Operations
1.1 Use Signed Numbers
1.2 Learn Basic Properties and Operations
Linear Expressions
2.1 Picture and Write Basic Expressions
2.2 Evaluate a Simple Expression
2.3 Simplify and Write Expressions
Linear Equations
3.1 Write and Solve Linear Equations with One Variable
3.2 Solve Multi-Step Equations
3.3 Graph Linear Equations
3.4 Use Slope to Write Linear Equations
Systems of Equations and Linear Equalities
4.1 Solve and Graph Systems of Equations
4.2 Write and Solve Linear Inequalities
Patterns and Functions
5.1 Recognize and Follow Patterns
5.2 Compare Functions in Different Presentations
Polynomials and Rational Expressions
6.1 Perform Operations with Polynomials
6.2 Evaluate Polynomial Expressions
6.3 Simplify, Evaluate, and Write Rational Expressions
Quadratic Equations
7.1 Recognize, Write, and Substitute with Quadratic Equations
7.2 Evaluate Quadratic Equations
This course covers five topics and includes 13 lessons covering 53 skills.
Life Science
1.1 Human Body and Health
1.2 Life Functions and Ecosystems
1.3 Heredity and Evolution
Physical Science
2.1 Energy Topics
2.2 Work, Motion, and Forces
2.3 Chemical Properties and Reactions
Earth and Space Science
3.1 Earth and the Universe
3.2 The Changing Earth
3.3 Interactions Between Earth and Living Things
Science Practices
4.1 Comprehend, Interpret, and Evaluate Scientific Presentations
4.2 Understand and Apply the Scientific Method
4.3 Understand Statistics and Probability
Social Studies
This course covers four topics and includes 12 lessons covering 66 skills.
United States History
1.1 Revolution through Civil War and Reconstruction
1.2 Immigration, Industrialization, and Rights
1.3 World Wars, Cold War, and the Aftermath of 9/11
Civics and Government
2.1 American Constitutional Democracy
2.2 Structure and Design of a U.S. Government
2.3 Individual Rights and Civic Economics
3.1 Fundamental Economics Concepts
3.2 Government and Personal Economics
3.3 World Events and Economics Geography and the World
4.1 Civilization and Nations
4.2 Society and the Environment
4.3 People and Places